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Eve WM. P Young Audio Book

Eve WM. P Young Audio Book

Product Code: B-3
Availability: Out Of Stock
Price: RS1,169.00 RS1,070.00
Ex Tax: RS1,070.00
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Eve may be author Wm. Paul Young’s most expansive work to date, in terms of sheer audacity, creative breadth, and potential impact. A creative retelling of the story of Adam and Eve, Eve has both the epic richness of J. R. R. Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings trilogy and the theological imagination of C. S. Lewis. As such, it joins the tide of a strong storytelling trend that is both historically proven and currently increasing in momentum: epic stories based on mythological truth. 
This artistic and original re-telling generally follows the Hebrew Scriptures, but the theme of relationship will be at the heart of the story. The book will follow the basic story arc of Genesis but with an unexpected twist—Eve is not to blame. 
This story allows the framing of an entirely different conversation than the one that has been allowed to incorrectly dominate our modern theological perspectives. This story reveals—correctly—that God and human were never truly separated. We created the separation in our own minds.
From the creation of the universe and man, the Garden of Eden, and the introduction of evil by the serpent, Adam is tempted and falls before woman is “birthed” from him. Then, the ultimate betrayal begins to unfold when Adam and the serpent plot to set up an overt deception of Eve. They trick her into taking the apple from the tree of knowledge and a disastrous division ensues between human and God and male and female. 
If The Shack challenged existing paradigms regarding the nature and character of God, Eve will stimulate conversations about the character and nature of humanity and our relationships with one another, especially between genders.    

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